Monday, June 6, 2011

TIPS and Antibiotic-associated diarrhea

Amiodarone blocks K + channels and slows the repolarization of the fibers of the heart conduction system and starch myocardium fibers. In connection with the low bioavailability of the drug is administered intravenously. Therefore, amiodarone can be attributed not only to III, but also to 1a, II and Class IV antiarrhythmic funds. In addition, these drugs may be effective in ventricular extrasystoles associated with increased automation. In addition, amiodarone has a depressant effect on Na + channels and Ca2 + channels and has anti-competitive adrenoblokiruyuschee properties. Lidocaine starch the drug of choice for elimination of ventricular arrhythmias associated with myocardial infarction. Side effects of disopyramide pronounced depressant effect on myocardial contractility and Mholinoblokiruyuschee effects (mydriasis, impaired near vision, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating). Amiodarone has anti-competitive aadrenoblokiruyuschimi properties and dilates blood vessels. Devoid of many side effects, characteristic of amiodarone, but showing the side effects, peculiar blockers. Propafenone has weak radrenoblokiruyuschey activity. Used lidocaine only ventricular tachyarrhythmias and extrasystoles. For drugs in this group are amiodarone, sotalol, bretily, ibutilid, dofetilid. With prolonged use of procainamide may hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, the development of syndrome of systemic lupus erythematosus (initial starch - skin rash, arthralgia). They are used for here of atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm and prevention of atrial fibrillation fibrillation in the future starch . Phenytoin (diphenine) - antiepileptic drugs, which also has antiarrhythmic properties similar starch those of lidocaine. Side effects of procainamide: hypotension (associated with ganglioblokiruyuschimi properties procainamide), flushing of face, neck, disturbances atrioventricular conduction, nausea, vomiting, headache, insomnia. Valium - an analogue of lidocaine, effective when Kilocalorie orally. Also has a sympatholytic properties. At the same time consider inappropriate long-term introduction of lidocaine for prevention of arrhythmias in myocardial infarction (Possibly proaritmicheskoe effect of lidocaine, a weakening heartbeat, impaired atrioventricular conduction). Amiodarone (Cordarone) - iodine-containing compound (similar in structure to thyroid hormones). Inhibit atrioventricular conduction. On sinoatrial node lidocaine has no significant influence; on the atrioventricular node has a weak inhibitory effect. Lidocaine slows the diastolic depolarization (phase. Therefore, they are used only when failure of other antiarrhythmic funds. In this regard, increased action potential duration and ERP. With an overdose of lidocaine may drowsiness, confusion, bradycardia, atrioventricular block, hypotension, respiratory depression, coma, stop heart. Therefore, amiodarone is effective in angina to prevent exacerbation of coronary insufficiency after myocardial infarction. Disopyramide (ritmilen) appointed interior.

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